  • 規(guī)格:FDJ-120
  • 發(fā)貨地:貴州貴陽市
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起訂量:1臺(tái)
  • 免費(fèi)會(huì)員










      型號(hào)  FDJ-120 
      功率  0.5kw 
      耗氣量  0.6 
      切割寬度(直徑)  120mm 
      鋸片速度  60m/min
      重量  6kg 

      使用方法: 1、了解所需切割的材料,如有必要可以通過降低乳化液壓力來降低鋸片的轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)速度。 2、確保牢固固定了所需切割的材料,防止其移動(dòng)。 3、轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)乳化液馬達(dá)時(shí),用手指按壓閥桿,然后開始切割。 4、用鋸的重量來控制切割壓力。對于較軟的材料來說,這樣的重量已經(jīng)足夠。過多的壓力會(huì)降低鋸片的速度。對于較硬的材料,可以通過加壓的方式來降低鋸片的轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)速度。切割是保持鋸筆直。鋸片的任何扭曲或歪斜都可能降低其使用壽命。(注意:避開切割后可能掉落的碎片。切割即將完成時(shí),切勿使鋸碰到您的身體、工件或附近的其它人員。) 5、關(guān)閉乳化液馬達(dá)時(shí),釋放閥桿。 6、下次切割開始前,鋸片必須保持運(yùn)動(dòng)狀態(tài)。乳化液鋸時(shí),鋸片不能接觸任何表面。 7、斷開乳化液軟管時(shí),關(guān)閉乳化液軟管閥。斷開前,先打開乳化液閥給軟管減壓。 8、更換鋸片前,務(wù)必?cái)嚅_乳化液軟管,并推動(dòng)閥桿以釋放掉馬達(dá)內(nèi)的壓力。 9、順時(shí)針轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)調(diào)整手柄以便釋放鋸片導(dǎo)桿上的張力。然后釋放側(cè)面板的鎖以便打開側(cè)面板。然后從驅(qū)動(dòng)輪上取下鋸片并將其從鋸帶導(dǎo)桿上松開。
      錨桿切割鋸是在煤礦巷道掘進(jìn)支護(hù)、修巷時(shí),用于修整錨桿長度的一種支護(hù)工具,它可安全快速地切斷直徑24 mm以下的高強(qiáng)度錨桿;此外,它還解決了進(jìn)風(fēng)區(qū)、老塘、采空區(qū)、回風(fēng)區(qū)、落山角的頂板快速放頂問題,使瓦斯、煤塵積存量縮小,預(yù)防了瓦..斯、煤塵積存的隱患。 切割材料及適用范圍:(手持式防爆切割鋸主要應(yīng)用煤礦井下、高瓦斯礦井、石油管道、天然氣管道、電纜等切割,要求切割過程不允許產(chǎn)生火花) 鐵管、鋼筋、電纜、銅管、鐵棒、銅棒、錨桿、錨索、鋼筋網(wǎng)、工字鋼、槽鋼、U型鋼、H鋼、角鋼、礦工鋼、軌道鋼、C型鋼。

      How to use: 1, understand the material needed to cut, if necessary to reduce the pressure of the emulsion to reduce the speed of the saw blade rotation. 2, ensure that the required cutting material is firmly fixed to prevent its movement. 3. When the emulsion motor is rotated, the stem is pressed with the finger and then the cutting is started. 4, use the weight of the saw to control the cutting pressure. This weight is enough for softer materials. Too much pressure can reduce the speed of the saw blade. For harder materials, the speed of rotation of the saw blade can be reduced by pressure. The cutting is to keep the saws straight. Any twist or skew of the sawblade may reduce its service life. (notice: avoid debris that may fall after cutting. When the cutting is about to be finished, do not make the saw touch your body, the workpiece, or the other people in the vicinity. 5. When the emulsion motor is closed, the stem is released. 6. The saw blade must remain moving before the next cutting begins. When the emulsion saw, the saw blade was not exposed to any surface. 7. When the emulsion hose is disconnected, the emulsion hose valve is closed. Before disconnecting, open the emulsion valve and decompress the hose. 8. Before replacing the saw, be sure to disconnect the emulsion hose and push the stem to release Madane's pressure. 9, adjust the handle clockwise to release the tension on the sawing guide rod. Then release the lock of the side panel so as to open the side panel. Then remove the blade from the drive wheel and release it from the sawing guide rod.

      Bolt cutting saw is in mine roadway, the roadway repair, used to trim the length of anchor a supporting tool, it can be safely and quickly cut off the high strength bolt diameter of 24 below mm; in addition, it also solves the problem of air inlet area, goaf, goaf, air return area, fast falling roof the top problem mountain angle, the accumulation of gas and coal dust emissions reduced, preventing the accumulation of coal dust, tile, hidden. The cutting material and the applicable scope: (portable explosion-proof cutting saw is mainly used in underground coal mine, high gas mine, oil pipelines, gas pipelines, cables and other requirements of cutting, cutting process is not allowed to produce sparks) pipe, steel, copper, iron, copper, cable, anchor, steel mesh, I-beam, channel steel, U H steel, steel, steel, steel, steel, coal miners C steel rail.

  • 0571-87774297